A SMS Level 3 analyst is the highest level of support in our Help Desk model. We are responsible for handling the most difficult or advanced problems that our customer’s experience. We are the expert level for all technical problems. We are the best of the best…
Supply a problem, we will fix it because it's our passion.
Our success has been the direct result of a unique client-driven services strategy.
Lv3 Seperation from the Pack
We are a means to a successful end but also a blossoming technical beginning to a growing relationship between technicians and help desk support agents. The gap between technicians and help desk agent is no longer an issue with a Level 3 technician. The technicians that grace the halls of SMS must undergo rigorous training, continual education, be able to analyze issues that field and help desk technicians deal with on a day-to-day basis, and provide documentation/blogs/vlogs/podcast/train field technicians/Host trade shows etc.
Updated Technical Bulletins
Each analyst has the ability to not only provide these tools to techs, help desk agents and customers but also build new documents, provide updates to existing manuals and other forms of material. The lab that PPT provides access to each analyst is our very own state-of-the-art Technical Learning Ground. We duplicate the issue the customer is having and fix it along the way.
Take ownership-OWN THE PROBLEM
“This is your problem, work it from birth to death and prevent future issues.”
Grow and Learn
Use the Resources
See our available resourses that our technicians use to resolve your issue.